MB Insurance Broker

3 Reasons Why You Need Insurance get quote

All over the world, people try their best to provide for their families no matter what happens. This is because family symbolizes happiness for everyone. However, life is not just about being happy; it is also about staying happy. This is the reason why it is so essential to insurance get quote. However, if you need the best insurance quotes, you should only count on the best insurance companies.

Make Life Easy With MBE Insurance

Are you searching for the best “insurance agencies near me,” don’t worry at all. MBE Insurance can help you avert any crisis. We understand that life makes quick and unexpected turns. When life does this, one should contact someone like MBE Insurance. This is because you need the best support in such desperate moments. We provide the best renters Insurance, as we know and understand that life can always test you with the most damaging events.

Are you concerned about the growing cyber-attacks? Don’t worry at all. MBE Insurance has got your back with our Cyber security insurance. When it comes to protecting your interests and your happiness, MBE Insurance can help you in every way possible. We are always there for you when you would need someone the most. Not just that, but with MBE Insurance, you don’t have to worry about the cost for business insurance. But are you still wondering why you should contact MBE Insurance? Here are three reasons;

1- Financial Relief For Your Home

Your home should always be a priority for you. However, you should get the best home ownership insurance if you care about your home. This is because one can never predict an event that damages your home. But if you have apartment insurance, you can effortlessly avert any crisis. This, as a result, will help you feel relieved from your home.

However, it would be best if you don’t get a random unprofessional insurance quote. Instead, it would be best if you only contacted MBE Insurance. This is because MBE Insurance can support you in times when nobody can. This is why you should get our insurance for a farm.

2- Protection For Everyone

Your family’s happiness should be more important to you than anything else. This is why you should never take their joy for granted. However, you can easily protect their interests and health with a quote for car insurance. Not just that, but you can also provide them with protection. Don’t take your family’s happiness for granted; get insured as soon as possible.

Insurance is just as crucial for your family as everything else. So contact the best insurance companies. Are you searching for something that could save you from trouble? Don’t worry. MBE Insurance can help you out in desperate times. This is why you should not wait to contact MBE Insurance for insurance get quote.

3- No More Worrying

It is prevalent for people to worry about damages. However, the reality is that when you get store insurance, you don’t have to worry about these damages. With an insurance plan, you can feel happy and free from worries. As soon as you complete the documents for the insurance plan, you can get to enjoy a stress free life. Not just that, but you can also insure a variety of things.

If you want to enjoy the best quotes and prices, you should only count on MBE Insurance. MBE insurance can save you from every crisis.


Nowadays, there are insurance plans for your pets as well. But the best thing about many of them is that you can fill out and submit online applications. You don’t have to move a muscle to file an online insurance plan. But the reality is that you shouldn’t count on random companies.

If you want to enjoy the best quotes and prices, you should only count on MBE Insurance. With MBE Insurance, you are insured all the way!


There has been innumerable changes in the auto insurance industry due to the current pandemic COVID-19. These are for the sustenance of the industry and how it can prevail in the fight against the pandemic. The provision of rebates is part of the advantage and deals the companies are providing for a limited period.

Auto insurance is highly dependent on some key factors that includes area/location. Also includes country risk i.e. highly dependent on many things which includes political conditions of the country. Finally, how these conditions can be found variable.

The current adjustments are because of the pandemic COVID-19. Hence, as Ontario is making some regulatory changes in their current procedures. These will allow auto insurance companies to provide breaks to their customers because of COVID-19. Hence, this change shall be a huge uplift for the customers. It will allow companies to provide auto insurance premium rebates. This is for consumers of up to 12 months after the emergency has ended.

According to the Finance minister Rod Phillips. With the removal of the barriers the expectancy level of insurance companies to respond quickly will be increased. Hence, this shall be a huge advantage in minimising the risks associated. These are risks with the insurance sector in the times of COVID-19. Hence, according to Finance Minister Rod Phillips the Provincial Govt. of Ontario wants to make it as easy as possible for the drivers. These are conveniences to receive discounts as there are so few drivers driving & operating right now. This is a reason due to the pandemic COVID-19 and the fight against the virus. More importantly, as commuting via roads and transport is limited in times of Coronavirus regulatory bodies are still active.


The company Allstate Insurance Co. of Canada is giving almost all the drivers a ‘Stay at Home payment’. Ironically, which means that drivers shall be given rebates in form of payments while they stay at home. This is a huge 25% of their monthly auto premium which is a good news for the consumers. Along with the consumers advantage it is a good room for them to save money in times of COVID-19.

The other two companies that are huge in Canada in the Insurance sector are Intact Financial Corp. and Aviva Canada. These two are offering discounts of 15% for the customers who are driving less. Hence, a huge reduction of 75% for people who park and store their vehicles. Especially Aviva Insurance Canada being a multinational firm has proved in times of COVID-19. They have vitally demonstrated that insurance industry needs to act like a shield for its consumers.

Aviva Canada is a subsidiary of the UK based firm Aviva plc. The aim of the company is to provide good insurance deals to its customers in auto industry and various other sectors in insurance. There are many people in Canada that have parked and store their vehicles in times of COVID-19. This is for at least 3-4 months and Aviva Canada is providing them 75% reductions along with Intact Financial Corp.

The Govt. of Ontario has confirmed 514 new COVID-19 cases pushing the total cases from Canada to 9,000. This is mainly why there are concerns in the insurance industry especially realised by auto insurance firms.

Life Insurance Premiums, Its Affecting Factors & How?

There are a number of factors that affect life insurance premiums and many different ways in which the premium is affected. In Canada the importance of Life Insurance is to a huge level & depends on the circumstances and the risk factors associated. The current pandemic, i.e. COVID-19 is the most recent example. This is more importantly of how life insurance holds importance for Canadians. Especially for those people who are highly prone to get the pandemic due to age concerns or their health history. For some people irrespective of the risks associated COVID-19 is a huge threat and needs life insurance as a backup. Life insurance premiums vary significantly according to age, occupation, health hazards & risks levels associated. On top of this, also the different number of factors that can affect the life insurance premium figures.


Risk to life is always there while you are working 9-5 and driving your way to your work. Alternatively, you have to travel a lot for your career or business purposes. Particularly, the travelling is from a town to nearby metropolitan, i.e. to Toronto, from any suburbs. Involved & exposed with life are a number of potential risks. These risks are always exposed to a person who is striving daily at work. The risk can be at your job site and it can be somewhere you go for relaxation. Example includes having a coffee after work, or at an exercise location.

The aim of the Life Insurance companies is to analyse the risks involved. Furthermore, give the best suitable solution regards to the risks and how to get away with it intelligently. If you are into hiking and outdoor activities. What needs to be overlooked consequently are a number of risks involved. However, your premium can be a bit on the higher side. Consequently, if there is persistence with activities that involves taking risks.

The number of risks involved are as follows;


Your current age is a highly significant factor in determining the premium for insurance companies. For people more than 60 years old the age factor comes into play. Ironically, they have a probability of dying more than someone who is 40 or 45 years old. This is also irrespective of drinking and smoking habits of a particular person, and how these vary with age. Yet another thing that matters is the Life Expectancy and its stats. Obviously, L/E in Canada is high, i.e. almost 82 years old average. Significantly, which means you can have a good premium on your Life insurance. This is even if you apply at the age of 60 that is on a higher side in most countries. However, it is at least 22 years less than the Life Expectancy of Canada.

Life expectancy matters due to the living standards in the country. Furthermore, a country’s happy index apart from many other factors also matters.


The health history of a particular person is yet another factor that determines the life insurance premium. If you have a weak health record, having weight issues or you are prone to heart diseases. Alternatively, your insurance premium will be automatically on a higher side. However, your health history being on the good side, you exercise regularly and you have a healthy diet. Ironically, it will impact your lifestyle positively and your premium will be relatively on a lower side. This is mainly because you are not prone to death due to sudden health condition or a heart attack.

Health history also includes any family health history such as cancer in close family, or having diabetic family issues or finally weight issues. Highly analysed are all the factors vitally before reaching an insurance premium figure.


Life at work in Canada matters a lot while making calculations for an insurance premium. If you are a construction worker, a miner, or involved in high risks activity at work place. Hence, automatically your insurance premium will be on a higher side. Alternatively, you are 9-5 workaholic working in a safe and secure office environment. Obviously, your risk to death at work or due to any fatal injuries should be really low.


Being a regular consumer of alcohol or Tobacco increases your risk to death. Hence, the insurance premium that is associated with it automatically rises due to the risk. However, even if you are a consumer. What depends largely, whether you are a regular consumer or a casual consumer. Furthermore, a high consumer or only those who consume in social gatherings or parties. All these different categories of alcohol and tobacco consumption determines your insurance premium.


Your foreign or local travel and how frequently you travel is a factor that determines the insurance premium. Some key elements that further depends while you are travelling are duration of travel & your frequent mode of transport. Also, your destination, the country risks associated and finally how often you travel. More clearly, the frequency of travels that are associated to a certain place. All these factors determines the insurance premium for your life insurance plan and how this premium varies.


The health and well-being factor is part of healthy living lifestyle. Hence, the insurance premium for your life insurance depends on this as well. Amazingly, this is apart from the so many factors associated with Life insurance. A healthy lifestyle depends on the country you are living. Also, your daily eating habits, and your personal circumstances, i.e. your family life and your married life. Part of the well-being are the key things associated, i.e. your inclination to sports or daily exercises, having a busy life style and being happy with your family & kids.

Ultimately, your heart is your source of a healthy lifestyle and how well can you maintain your health also matters. Health is Wealth in the insurance industry.

Life Insurance Premiums Key Influencing Factors & How They Matters?

There are many factors that are a key influence for life insurance premiums. All these factors determines the treatment for life insurance. Furthermore, how life insurance premiums varies w.r.t. age, health & family history. One of the most important factors is the age factor and all the key influences that relates to age and life threats. Apart from current health, factors also includes medical history, family medical history and lifestyle. In addition to this, Hobbies, Occupation, Travel Habits, Driving History, Gender and finally age. The life expectancy also plays a vital role in this regards as life expectancy varies from one country to another country. This is vitally as according to the demographics. How life expectancy matters according to demographics is interesting as the life expectancy has a lot to do with the premium. The key factors that can change the life expectancy. Primarily, also known as life expectancy variable factors. These factors holds dependencies on the country prosperity & health system of a country, or the national health service. Finally, the climatic conditions & weather conditions also matters apart from the atmosphere that should be preferably clean.

The key factors and how they can act as an influence for Life insurance premiums:


The most key factor in the list of factors that influence life insurance premiums is the current health. How the current health factor acts as the most important one is highly integral. Hence, as current health condition can change the life insurance premium amount. Importantly, due to the magnitude of risks that are involved. The level of risk are ascertained while life insurance premiums are calculated. Further, these risks level can change according to the current health conditions. If for instance a person is experiencing high blood pressure or undergoing changes in heartbeat very often. Ironically, the level of risk can change which means more risky. Hence, it automatically increases the insurance premium amount to considerable levels. In case of a serious health condition for example a heart disease. Ironically, the life insurance application can even be rejected or ignored.


A person’s medical history is yet another influencing factor in the insurance premium. In addition to this, can be a factor that can influence the change. It is not only the current state of health that is of concern for an insurer. What counts as a matter of fact is the recent medical history. A health record which is taken into account more preferably. The problems that is broken bones and other injuries will be ignored. However, any conditions that may possibly recur shall be included in the list of calculations. Also, includes the mental health issues, if they are not resolved. Medical history means how far the immunity lies for a person to die. Hence, due to any previous health condition or record. Health matters or past health records influence the level of risks associated. Preferably, while getting to the final figures in insurance premium amount.


A family medical history is highly influencing while determining the life insurance premium amount. If the family background has a series of health problems for e.g. heart issues or obesity-related problems. Obviously, this is something that connects heavily with the insurance premium amount. Hence, while determining how that family medical history can change. Alternatively, increases the insurance premium amount as well. Yet another concerning factor is the level of risk to death that can happen due to the family medical history.


Lifestyle matters as people want to maintain their rich standards. Furthermore, they want to live according to the society trends. Realistically, one of the few factors that the applicant has a degree of control over. In the lifestyle the habits that are commonly hazardous are smoking and drinking. On top of this, not getting concerned for the weight issues that affects the general health. In case if the applicant is found to have intentionally provided some incorrect information. Then, in that case the policy could be invalid and all claims can be refused.


An applicant’s hobbies plays a strictly vital role while getting to the insurance premium amount. These hobbies if found risky and life-threatening can easily change the insurance premium amount. For example, car racing is a hobby that can be risky and life threatening. Furthermore, automatically influences and increases the insurance premium amount. Other such activities and hobbies also includes skydiving, mountain climbing, or skiing.


An occupation or a profession is a key determining factor while coming up with the insurance premium amount. This means the level of risks involved with the occupation and what specifically matters to the insurer. Occupations that are highly risky in terms of life risks are working as a firefighter. Furthermore, as a police officer or a body guard experiencing dangers to death. In addition to this, other professions that have a high risk to death are jobs that can increase the stress levels due to work pressures.

  1. GENDER & AGE:

Gender, i.e. male or female, also plays a significant role apart from the age factor involved. The life expectancy differs from one gender to another. Apart from this, the difference is vitally obvious according to changing demographics.

The age has a very key & pivotal role to play in determining the insurance premiums. Hence, as lower the age is, the lower the premium amount and vice-versa. With the age factor the level of risks to death increases. Obviously, this is true as medical fitness reduces considerably to higher levels. Age factor doesn’t necessarily is dependent on the health condition.


Travel habits and driving history are two key aspects that can change the premium amount. The travelling habits should be safe instead of being alarming or unsafe, for e.g. Travelling on dangerous roads. Especially, true to avoid a higher life insurance premium, it needs to be safe. On the other hand, a clean driving history always is best for a lower premium. A record that is accidental & involves fines & penalties is obviously a huge source of higher insurance premium amount.

Travel Insurance & Why Do You Need It For Your Travels Within Canada?

Travel insurance is a very demanding utility, while you are travelling across the borders to another country or even within the same country. It makes you secure in terms of the finances regards to your medical cover. Also includes, the loss of baggage, in case your baggage gets stolen or, something apart from the ordinary that can give you some kind of a loss. This loss can be regards to your health or even a loss to your property. People usually get travel insurance if they are travelling outside the country. However, some people also get travel insurance for their travels within their country. As Canada is a huge country covering a land which makes it the largest country in North America.

Insurance industry is a massive industry and the basic realisation is regards to the amount of the risks involved. This risk can be regards to potential risk to property. Alternatively, risks that can affect a person’s health condition. Vital decisions regards to the insurance amount to be paid depends on certain factors. One of them is how far you are going from your home? That is, the distance within Canada, but from one province to another. Secondly, how long you shall be away from your home province, i.e. 1 month, 3 months, 5 months or even 9 months. Time factor comes into play, especially regards to the period spent during travelling. Furthermore, what’s your mode of transport. Factors that are necessary in determining the insurance premium for your coverage.


The provincial coverage will be paying some of the unexpected expenses. But, not all of them. Ironically, they should be sufficient for the physicians or the hospital charges. Especially, in event of unforeseen sickness or an injury. However, having said that, private travel insurance maybe needed for other extra expenses. These expenses includes prescription drugs, ambulance services, & dental emergencies. Finally, having a medical transportation back to your own province. This can be in form of an air ambulance or any other medical transportation.


There are 13 provinces and territories in Canada. Hence, as a matter of fact not all the provinces and territories provides all the medicines. On top of this, some rare drugs may not even be present in some provinces. However, if there is no medicine available the travel insurance can provide coverage for these medications. Only in case of a doctor’s prescription for an unexpected sickness or an injury. Alternatively, it can also pay you to fly to your home at absolutely zero cost. Precisely, for the sake of drugs you need and as soon as you need them.


Talking specifically regards to the provincial health insurance. What it doesn’t includes are non-medical travel expenses. These are categorised as cancelled flights or even lost baggage. Ironically, both are part of the travel insurance plan. However, not part of the provincial health insurance plan which only should cover medical expenses.

Although, it’s true that the provincial health insurance covers many of the medical expenses that as a passenger you might incur. However, while travelling outside your home province there are some that aren’t covered. Hence, the gaps can be filled easily by topping them up with travel insurance.

Life Insurance – 6 Reasons Of Policy Denial By Companies

Life Insurance is a necessity of this modern financial world. Top 6 reasons why companies deny to provide life insurance coverage. The reasons include health issues and participation in high-risk activities. It also includes specific financial reasons, filed for bankruptcy, DUI, & having a criminal record.

Hence, to have coverage from most insurance companies, the associated risks with life insurance should be minimal.


Health issues are the most common ones that are the cause of companies declining life insurance. As an example, if someone is at high-risk of life and suffering from a disease like Cancer. The person is categorized to have a high-risk of life due to this particular reason. Hence, an automatic increase in risks associated with life insurance companies. This is another reason why they don’t think it’s worthwhile enough to take a risk.

For this particular reason i.e. involvement of high risk, the person might have applied with the wrong insurance company.

The best solution is to have a high-risk life insurance agent. Someone who can provide a useful insurance company. What’s needed is a company willing to give insurance on such a high risk to life. However, this is possible as companies are willing to move forward with those who can give insurance on health risks.

High-Risk Activities


Participation in high-risk activities is a huge reason why companies deny life insurance. As an example, a simple case is that while most companies insure scuba divers. This depends on the type of diving that you do i.e. (open water vs cave diving). The other factors that some insurance companies will not insure you if you are a scuba diver are as follows; the amount of time you dive a year, how deep you dive & where you dive.

If you have traveled internationally, or you live abroad for a certain period of time. Hence, there are some companies that will not insure you. Military personnel deployed somewhere are the other sets of people who will face hardships for approval. This cannot be possible unless you have worked with specific insurance companies.

Insurance Denial
Insurance Denial


The need for financial justifications is a big financial reason for a decline in life insurance by an insurance company. In simple words, there is an intense need for financial justifications. These are justifications that a client must provide in order to move forward. The insurance company makes sure that the client is financially not weak. In addition to this, it has all the reasons to apply for a life insurance policy i.e. highly justified.

The qualification for the client also depends on the earnings per annum. As an example, we can say that somebody who has annual earnings of $22,500 per annum. Hence, that client would most likely not qualify for $1,000, 000 life insurance policy. These are calculations for the Insurance companies that they do separately for everyone. The companies know well how much a client can qualify, keeping in mind the earnings. Earnings play a huge part as they mean security for the client. The higher the security, the lesser the risk for disapproval by most life insurance companies.



If a client has filed bankruptcy due to a loan they can’t pay or any mortgage payments, in this case. Hence, insurance companies do overlook financial circumstances very carefully. Usually, there are a huge amount of companies that will deny the life insurance policy. While the client files bankruptcy which is a big reason for the disapproval of a policy. Here the risks are high and high risks mean less financial security. The word ‘Financial Security’ is the key to finding a solution that is good enough for Insurance companies. These companies need high and consistent assurance to move forward.


Having a DUI i.e. driving under the influence is a negative record and hence can have a negative impact. These are impacts on the life insurance policy of the client. In case a client has more than three DUIs in the last 10 years. Therefore, every insurance company would decline your life insurance policy. However, having at least 1 or 2 DUI’s in the last 10 years is better. This means some insurance companies will decline you while others will approve.

Having applied with DUI it is most possible that the client has probably applied with the wrong insurance company.

If you are someone who is a drug abuser or alcohol abuser. Therefore, this is most likely that you will be declined life insurance. One of the most prominent reasons for denial is the risk level.  Accidental death risk is a key reason for denial of life insurance. On a conditional basis, some companies can give the client an insurance offer. This is only if the client has stopped drug abuse for the last 3 years. Additionally, no abuse of alcohol for the last 2 years. The objective of the client should be to convince the insurance companies if they need an approved insurance policy.


In order to have a life insurance policy, it is important to have a clear CRB i.e. Clearance from the Criminal record bureau. Having a criminal record means that the client can be under a life threat. Hence, his authority to have a life insurance policy is not safe. Having a good character reference check is a necessity. Criminal record means the person is unfit for the criteria.

However, on conditional grounds, things can definitely vary. Apart from many reasons last criminal conviction is one of the reasons for a positive condition. Along with this, when did this conviction expire. Finally, how many convictions were the person under for the last 2 years? Based on these checks the client might get insurance coverage depending on how long ago the probation ended.

However, coming in such a category it’s better to work with a high-risk life insurance specialist. A high-risk insurance specialist will definitely be of great help.

Insurance Policy
Insurance Policy


Since MBE Group is a company based in Canada, MBE insurance is part of the MBE Group. According to the Canadian rules, MBE insurance also follows similar procedures that relate to Life Insurance and its risk assessment.

MBE Insurance also makes sure that their prospective clients are worthy enough according to the risk assessment procedures. It’s our policy to give Life Insurance to clients with lower risks involved. Primarily, the reason being profitability and future profitable options.

Being a new company the goal is to provide sustainable measures to our clients with low-risk levels.

The Insurance Protection Program That Fits Your Life

The McClellan group Insurance Inc. is proud to partner with RMA/MBBP, The company is our insurance cover & protection partner who shares in our support of independent retailers and other cover associations across Canada. Provides one of the comprehensive insurance program solutions in the industry.


The McLennan Group has made sure to fulfill all the possible needs of insurance cover in retail. They shall accomplish this mission through a good insurance cover or insurance program.  A nationally licensed insurance broker, our company has full Canadian ownership. Hence, the insurance company is active in the industry for the last 26 years.

In addition to this, McLennan is also responsible for innovative insurance products and Insurance cover. However, the Group has also successfully designed and delivered such products and services for leading associations and their members.

Hence, the company welcomes you to The McClellan Group Insurance Programs. This assurance protection program is the first personal lines insurance program. The insurance program is a designed program for added advantages to RMA/MBBP members only. Adding some decency in features to the insurance program.


Along with your cars, trucks, and vans, coverage is available for your RV’s, motorcycles, trailers, and more. Third-party liability is a mandatory option for every driver in Canada. The company also offers auto insurance offers supplementary coverage. This cover allows you to tailor your insurance policy to your specified needs. For example:

Insurance depends on the more things and assets you own i.e. home, cottage, pool, cars, boats, etc. Ironically, the more exposure you will have for the claims against you. This claim is an injury claim to others and damages to their property.
Personal Umbrella Liability provides added liability coverage above the limits of your homeowner’s and auto insurance policies.

We start with lower rates for the RMA/MBBP members. We also offer multiple ways to save that include multi-vehicle, conviction-free, and winter tire discounts. What’s more, with a clean driving record, you could see significant savings compared to what you’re paying now.


The McLennan Group Home Insurance provides comprehensive protection for your single largest investment. Depending on the option to choose the level of coverage. The policy will have some added protection just for the sake of enhancements. They are as follows;

The Guaranteed Replacement cost: The re-building costs will be covered in case if the home is destroyed. The construction will take place with similar kinds of materials for insurance reasons. Also includes the quality even if the coverage is less.

Disappearing Deductible – if you have a loss of over $25,000, you do not pay for the deductible. Student Away- Having a student in the family, someone who is away at school. Automatically, your home assurance cover extends to their belongings at school.

Identity Theft Recovery Expenses Endorsement – provides up to $25,000 coverage for the reimbursement of certain expenses incurred in identity recovery. In case if you are having the option of choosing the Lifestyle Coverage for family members.

Coverage shall be provided for the liability associated with the volunteer work. In addition to this, the healthcare facility shall also be fully covered. In addition to this cash robbery within 24 hours of withdrawal from a bank including an ATM. While we offer premiums that reward responsible home ownership, you can combine your home and automobile policies for even greater savings. That’s in addition to available discounts such as age, multiple vehicles, claims free, home alarm, and much more.


We are truly aware of how travel insurance cover works out. Considered by most as one of the most important buying decisions customers shall ever make. For provincial cover outside the boundaries of Canada, travel insurance cover has limited options. Without proper insurance, costs incurred from a medical emergency can be financially devastating.

But be aware that not all plans provide all coverage, and you get what you pay for.

McClellan group insurance cover

The McLennan Group Travel Insurance offers multi-trip annual plans and single trip daily plans with multiple coverage options and more;

  1. 24 hour worldwide emergency assistance and a $10 million policy maximum.
  2. Simplified applications with easy qualification.
  3. No age limit and no medical questionnaire if you’re under age 55.
  4. Flexibility to travel anytime and change your travel dates without penalty.
  5. If plans change, we offer top-ups and extensions.
  6. Coverage for unstable pre-existing conditions, and personal underwriting if required.

On top of that, our licensed brokers will help you understand your application’s medical questions. Also, recommend the proper coverage of your health and travel plans.

In addition to better coverage and lower rates in health categories. The company also offers companion savings and deductible options that will help save 45%.


Along with the competitive pricing as well as good value with products we offer more protection options. This includes some value-added benefits at no extra cost, as well as exclusive member discounts.

For more peace of mind, you will have unmatched customer service. Hence, the added options are the responsive claims service and advice on the coverage. They are all given by licensed and trained representatives.


Since 1992, i.e. the last 27 years, The McLennan Group has been providing similar associations. This includes insurance solutions at an exceptional service level. The cover is in addition to our life and health arm.

As a group, we have partnered with leading Canadian insurance providers. We offer three programs for RMA/MBBP members and their families. The McLennan Group would be proud to be your personal lines, an insurance provider.

Call us toll-free for full details and your no-obligation quote.
Auto and Home Insurance: 1-833-725-1335
Travel Insurance: 1-866-566-1461


The McClellan Group Insurance Inc. and The McLennan Group Life Insurance Inc. work with a number of trusted Canadian insurers. Please refer to your policy for complete coverage details, as certain limits and conditions apply.

In case there is any inconsistency between the above descriptions and policy, the Terms & conditions of the policy shall govern. Please note that not all coverage is available in all jurisdictions.


4 Reasons Why You Need Auto insurance Ontario

Anyone and everyone can agree on the fact that 2022 is not the right time to be alive. With the increase in oil prices, it seems like everything is falling apart. If that wasn’t enough, there came a rise in car accidents – stimulating an increase in car prices and the cost of insurance for a vehicle. All of this is a synonym for chaos.

In such a chaotic world, there is one thing that you should never compromise on, and that is insurance. In any of its many facets, insurance helps you in the direst of times.

Answer To “The Best Insurance Near Me”? MBE Insurance

When it comes to making a difference with dedication, MBE insurance is the only name. We stand with you in times when there is no one. MBE Insurance offers you the best quotes for life insurance, home insurance, and customized property insurance plans.

It is crucial to have an insurance for a vehicle in Canada. With MBE Insurance’s online cars insurance plans, you never have to worry about preparing for the worst-case scenarios.

Having second thoughts, or willing to delay the application? Here are four reasons why you should not wait to apply for auto insurance Ontario at MBE Insurance:

  1. Effects Of 2022
    Recent years have not been friendly to anyone. Almost every industry in the world had to tolerate a devastating impact one way or the other. The vehicle industry is on this list as well. Due to inflation, vehicle prices have gone up, the vehicle parts prices have gone up; in simple words, it is havoc. This effect, unfortunately, has found its way to car accidents. According to a study, there is a 40% increase in car accidents in 2022. This means that people have gotten into more accidents than they did in 2020 – because they had to work from home. Back then, getting a car or repairing one was effortless – but now it is more complicated. With this growing car accident rate, you might feel like there is nothing that can save you from trouble. But don’t worry, as you can count on MBE Insurance. With MBE Insurance’s Auto insurance Ontario plans, you can prepare for anything.
  2. Motorcycle Insurance Plans
    It is uncommon for people to believe in the safety of motorcycles. These lightweight vehicles might seem like the most admirable type of vehicle. This might be because of the fact that they can move faster than many other kinds of cars and also that they can maneuver very quickly. However, it is vital to have a good motorcycle insurance plan. According to a survey, a motorcyclist is 13.5 times more likely to die in a collision than a car driver. However, one can avert such a crisis and repair costs by counting on MBE Insurance and our motorcycle insurance plan.
  3. Online is Affordable
    As soon as someone purchases a car, they contact popular companies to get insurance for a vehicle. It is very much uncommon for people to count on an online way of getting a quote. However, a big group of people choose online car insurance. This is because online car insurance can sometimes be cheaper. With MBE Insurance, you can get the best quotes and offers. This is because we understand the importance of having a good insurance plan.
  4. A Requirement
    In Canada, every driver must have a cheap insurance plan or at least a car insurance quote Toronto. A failure to have any can result in unusual fines and much more. Having insurance for a vehicle helps deal with many troubles. For example, if, unfortunately, there is an accident leading to injuries, you would not have to worry about the cost of the damages. With MBE Insurance’s exceptional dedication, you can enjoy the best auto insurance Ontario and get the best quote.


Online car insurance is highly beneficial, especially in an era such as the current one. It is the one thing that you should apply for as soon as possible. As we all know, the rapid increase in inflation. But, you don’t have to worry about any of such problems. As with MBE Insurance, you can enjoy the best and most affordable insurance plans at the best costs. You don’t have to search for “the best insurance near me,” as MBE Insurance is here for you!

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