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  • The Wonders Disability And Critical Illness Insurance Do For You
Disability And Critical Illness Insurance

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The goal is to enjoy life. Yes, it’s true! But at the same time, the harsh reality is that Life is unpredictable. Consider this; you are driving on the highway, and out of nowhere, a truck hits you from the side. Not only does your car get totalled, but there’s a bigger problem. The accident has fractured your spinal cord. Hence, you are now completely paralyzed. This is where critical illness insurance comes into play.

Personal Insurance or a Life insurance investment does wonder in case of untimely tragedies. Disability insurance is like an alternate source of income. Disabled people are not able to perform normally. Hence, in most cases, this means that they can t work. Now, the question arises; How can you work if you cannot function properly? Stay tuned and read further to know how critical illness insurance works for you.

Critical illness insurance- Making Your Recovery Smooth.

Recovery is not only a physical process. Recovery requires a stress-free environment as well. You’ll be stress-free when you know someone is there to care for your finances. Life insurance for critical illness covers child care, mortgages and daily grocery expenses. This allows you to recover from your illness without worrying about finances. 

According to the statistics, 62% of bankruptcies occur because people cannot pay their medical bills. This is exactly what critical illness insurance does. With a critical illness insurance plan, you don’t have to worry about big medical expenses. Illnesses covered by an illness insurance plan include; organ transplants, coronary disease, cancer and heart stroke. 

Not only this, Critical illness and disability insurance also cover expenses for a vacation if you require one for your recovery. Another benefit of critical insurance is that it provides coverage for expenses from home to treatment centres. This means you are reassured if the treatment center is far, your insurance coverage is responsible for the payments.

What’s more astonishing about critical insurance is that it gives enough coverage that you can even install a lift in your apartment or home if your illness prevents you from walking upstairs. This is a great source of comfort for many people.  

Hence, with critical insurance, those big medical bills are a worry of the past. These are enough reasons for you to get critical insurance as soon as possible.  

Disability insurance- You may not function well, but your finances certainly can

As I said earlier. Life is unpredictable. Some accidents may not be fatal. But what’s worse is accidents that leave you between a life or death situation. Accidents which leave you disabled. Small disabilities are not a big issue, but long disabilities certainly are. Long-term disabilities like paralysis mean you are bound for life and can no longer work. This is an alarming situation for you and your family. 

If you are single and face such an accident, you need an attendant for your daily needs. Such as going to the washroom and changing your clothes. Attendants are costly. These expenses contribute to bankruptcy. This is bad, especially if you have no source of income. This is where disability long-term insurance helps.

An even bigger problem occurs if you are married and have children. For married people, the expenses and responsibilities are higher. Having children means you pay for their fees and transport expenses. Schooling is expensive and is a long-term investment. This is an investment important for your children. And it is better if it continues the way it is. Disability insurance provides your family with long term disability benefits. Hence long-term disability insurance is not just insurance. It’s an assurance of a secure future. 

What Should You Do

People underestimate the importance of life insurance, especially critical illness and Long term disability insurance. They think it is just another money-making technique from sellers selling medical insurance for canada. However, the truth is that life insurance is valuable. I state my earlier fact, life is unpredictable, and tragedies leave you helpless. 

Tragedies cannot be avoided and come in the blink of an eye. The best way is to keep a backup for uncertain issues; insurance is a great backup. Insurance protects you from large medical bills. And ensures that your children’s education continues just the way it is. With insurance coverage, you no longer have financial worries. This keeps you comfortable both mentally and physically.  

Your one-stop solution for insurance- all insurance services under one roof 

MB insurance is your gateway to the best insurance policies in Canada. We have all insurance solutions aimed just at you. Whether you need medical insurance, personal insurance, home insurance or long-term plans, we have it all for you.

MBE insurance was started by our founder Mr. Mansoor Naqvi. President of the MBE group of Canada. Our goal is to provide top-class insurance services for our clients. So what are you waiting for? Visit our website for details on our packages. 


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MB Insurance has been serving for about 24 years successfully in the industry. Affiliation with multiple Insurance companies makes us your one-stop solution as we can provide you best deals via multiple sources.

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